I recently met up with someone who does geospatial stuff but uses the more traditional GIS software to do it. I showed him a few things in R but not being a person who does a lot of geospatial analysis I thought I’d ask the lovely #rspatial crowd what they’d recommend. Here are the compiled recommendations. Happy learning spatial R!
Feel free to comment or tweet your recommendations to get them added to this list.
Online resources
- r-spatial a portal for R spatial blogging
- The Carpentries Geospatial lessons
- Neon Data Skills - GIS & Spatial data tutorials Last tutorial was in 2016 but these still have great coverage of the topics
- US Census Mapping course
- Environmental Computing
- Working with Geospatial Data in R (DataCamp)
- Spatial Analysis in R with sf and raster (DataCamp)
In no particular order, here are the folks who were recommended to follow on Twitter for R geospatial stuff.
- Ari Lamstein
- Michael Sumner
- Angela Li
- Zev Ross
- Kyle Walker
- Jakub Nowosad
- Edzer Pebesma
- Carson Sievert
- Erin Becker
- Leah Wasser
- Elizabeth Stark
- Jesse Sadler
- Tim Salabim
- Roger Bivand
- Kent Russell aka TimelyPortfolio
- Bob Rudis aka hrbrmstr
- Robin Lovelace
- Scott Chamberlain
- Andy Teucher
- Mark Padgham
- Steffi LaZerte
- Ege Rubak
- Priscilla Minotti
I’ve added all of these into a Twitter list that you can use to read tweets from these wonderful people.