The year has started out on a high for me. I’ve handed in my notice Censornet and I was re-awarded the Data Platform MVP award by Microsoft. I handed in my notice not to go to a new job but to fly solo!
I’m starting Locke Data in February to help people embed data science skills in their organisations.
Business intelligence has been a thing long enough that there’s a whole department of people dedicated to it and it generally isn’t disruptive to other areas of the business and IT. BI is more of a support role, whereas data science is an active role. The results embed into systems across the business and it changes the way departments tackle issues or solve problems.
It’s really tough for your lone data scientist to succeed. They have to be able to make change happen, gain domain knowledge of your business, and deliver meaningful work that’s worth putting into production. You need to get hire the right person, build the buy-in, and restructure processes so they can succeed. Building up your BI people into data scientists is even harder as they have to be upskilled in new techs, new concepts, and you have to do all the things needed to help ensure they can be disruptive. Tackling all these challenges is where I come in.
I can do the technical stuff to help you make sure that you have enough data maturity so the data scientist doesn’t spend all their time doing ETL or building datamarts, I can help you work on processes and training to integrate data science activities into your BI or IT teams, and I can help deliver data science projects that leave your analytical staff more knowledgeable and self-sufficient. I want to help you bring data science activities into your company successfully.
I’ll be available from February onwards so if you’d like to talk about your current struggles with data, get in touch.
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