In May, I will be delivering two R for Microsoft training days. These two days will focus on some R fundamentals and applying these fundamentals within the Microsoft Data Platform. These training days are ideal if you know one half of the components – whether that’s the R bit or the Microsoft BI bit. Either way, you’ll learn about the other half.
SQLBits XV is being held in Liverpool this year and my training day is on May 4th. I’ll be co-training with the indefatigable, Andrew Fryer aka @Deepfat from Microsoft.
You can check out our awful promo video or go read the abstract and find out more info
Andrew Fryer and Stephanie Locke introduce the topics that will be in their precon @SQLBits
Posted by SQLBits on Friday, February 19, 2016
SQLBits is a fantastic conference filled to the brim with great people, great content, and great parties. I highly recommend you come along if you use SQL Server, are looking to improve how you handle databases as a developer, or you’re looking to boost your BI or analytical skills.
TUGA IT is being held in Lisbon, Portugal between the 19th and 21st of May. I’ll be delivering pretty much the same training day as SQLBits but it has the added benefit of being in lovely Portugal!
Niko & co host excellent conferences and of course it’s in Portugal, so if you’d like to travel for a holiday and spend a couple of days learning whilst you’re at it, then TUGA is ideal.