Some recent posts over on the Mango blog

Since August, I’ve had the pleasure to work at Mango Solutions, a data science consultancy, as a Principal Consultant.

In that time, I’ve been to EARL London, SQL Relay, and SQL in the City, so conference season has been in full swing with more to come in the form EARL Boston next week. Surprisingly, I’ve also found some time to help some customers out and write some blog posts over on the Mango site.

I thought I’d share them for the folks who might have missed out on them.

There’s more to come with one coming out early next week and you can subscribe via the RSS feed, or if you’d like to get even more R goodness, subscribe to R-bloggers. Over the next couple of months, I’m looking to get started on some new open source projects. One idea raised is to give @MangoTheCat its own LOLCODE to R interpreter so if you want to lend a hand in making such a thing, let me know!