I’m really looking forward to a few months of user group and conference awesomeness:
- Feb 24: CaRdiff presenting Shiny: Dashboards in R
- Feb 26: Oxford UG presenting Learning the ropes via the community
- Mar 4-6: Helping out at SQLBits
- Mar 7: SQLBits presenting Shiny: Dashboards in R
- Mar 9: SQL Cardiff with Jen & Sean McCown presenting
- Mar 17: Diff.Net with Scott Hanselman presenting
- Mar 31: SQL Cardiff with the Battle of the Beards
Then even more fun kicks in with a SQLSaturday Exeter precon, a visit to unified.diff to present the LaTeX Show, and a week in Portugal after presenting at SQLSaturday Portugal. Yippee 😀
I hope to see you at one of these upcoming events but if not, why not tweet me about where you are going this year!