My R Pre-Con: SQLSat Exeter

As I covered in my post on SQLSaturday Exeter, I’m going to be doing a full day of R training on April 24th that takes you from cabin boy to first mate in a day. You can’t be captain because I’m Captain… until you go back to your own ship… then you can be captain.


Attend my day of training about R if you’d like to learn R, best practices, and how to manage it.

It’s £150 (early bird) and can be booked at SQLSaturday Exeter’s website

Why should you learn R?

What bits of R should you learn?

  1. R for data wrangling and analysis: learning how to do the basics enables you to do more complicated stuff on correctly formatted data that you’re confident in
  2. R for presenting findings: there’s no point being more effective at analysing data if you then C&P all your charts into Word
  3. R for reporting / data exploration: interactive reports and visualisations that inform the user
  4. R for stats: relevant to your industry and data, build statistical models that provide actionable insight

I’ve put things in the order I think you should tackle them. You should walk before you can run and if you can’t be confident in your data manipulation you can’t be confident about the resulting model.

What bits of R would you learn from me?

You’ll learn the first three components as these are core tasks that won’t differ from company to company. Armed with the ability to wrangle your data, present and report on it, you’ll be able to get comfortable with the language. Once you’ve wowed people with faster turnaround times, better looking analysis, and more useful reports, the buy-in for “levelling up” and using R to do statistical modelling won’t be far behind. And what’s more, it’ll make you quicker, meaning more time to do more cool stuff!

What will you get out of the pre-con?

You get to learn how to do nifty things in R and avoid a lot of the common pitfalls, tangents, and rocky moments involved in learning R.

The other part of the day is the pesky “robust implementation” bit. It’s not something that you might wish to know, but understanding how to build and maintain Linux servers in a Microsoft environment so that it’s AD authenticated, being backed up, and being monitored by SCOM, etc will give you the tools you need to either administer the servers yourself or to train your sys admins!

Why you should pay to attend my pre-con?

I’ve struggled to write this post because discussing my training session involves telling you why you should pay to listen to me. Talking about myself I find tough.. It’s easier to talk about how to do something than it is to talk about why you should accept my way of doing it. So instead of talking about me, I’m going to show you some of the feedback I’ve had from others and hope that speaks louder and more persuasively than I could.

Convinced to attend (or make a minion attend?) Scoot on over to the SQLSaturday Exeter website to book!